PBW Definitions

This list is a work in progress…

Point Blank Woman (PBW)
Intelligent, educated, opinionated, independent thinker, compassion-over-fashion-mentality, aware, empowered, brutally honest in a politically correct world.

The antithesis of the PBW. A stereotypical woman; intellectually vacant, happy-to-be-the-weaker-sex, diamond-obsessed, gossip-and-romance-reading, shoe-shopaholic, designer-fashion-over-compassion-kind-of-mentality woman.

When a woman visits the hairdresser, why is she given a pile of female-oriented-gossip-mags? Doesn’t she get a choice in the matter? Should all women be idiotic tarts who care about what Britney was or wasn’t wearing under her mini skirt when she bent over to pick up her chihuahua’s shit? Should an educated, adult woman still be interested in taking Adolescent-Cosmopolitan-Relationship-Quizzes?
Conversely, why do men’s magazines contain stories (yes, actual stories that involve substance and research), humorous articles, interviews and reviews? The media is intent on perpetuating this genderdized female, and it’s up to us, PBWs to question and contradict it.

Genderdized female
Is unremarkable, nothing more than a clone, and non-threatening to the ruling patriarchy.

Genderdized Female Propaganda
The genderdized fodder that the media and publishing industry feeds us in order to perpetuate the genderdized female.

Terminally Genderdized
Incapable of moving beyond patriarchal conditioning. A terminally genderdized female is incapable of seeing the absurdity of equal rights in a patriarchal system. She doesn’t question, she will never question, she simply accepts things as they are, because she has been conditioned to do so.


  1. Finally someone who is bold enough to unsettle semantics! Thank you Bianca. I hope people read these. The same morphology in words, yet, the semantics shaken a bit: g e n d e r i s e d
    That is a pregnant term. Excellent. How I love the way you use your words.

    1. Aah, thank you, Suren. I haven’t posted here for ages. Very glad you like it 🙂

    2. bgbowers · · Reply

      Genderised – very good, Suren. I love playing with words and creating new ones!

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